Call for DSTC11 Workshop Papers


The Eleventh Dialog System Technology Challenge (DSTC11)

Call for Workshop Papers



Important Dates for DSTC11 Summer Tracks (updated)

Paper submission deadline: December 2, 2022 (11:59 pm, UTC-12 "anywhere on earth")

Paper acceptance notification: February 24, 2023

Camera-ready submission deadline: March 10, 2023

DSTC11 workshop (Summer and Winter tracks): TBD (likely June-August 2023)

Topics and Format

The main goal of this workshop is to share the results of the five main tracks of DSTC11. We encourage all the teams who participated in the challenge to submit their work to this workshop. In addition, papers on dialog systems and related technologies, including but not limited to natural language processing, audio and speech processing, and vision information processing are welcome in the general technical track.

We will have a workshop to share knowledge and research on the tracks of DSTC11 and general technical track. This will include invited talks, poster sessions and a panel to discuss the achievements of DSTC challenges, and future directions.

Submission requirements

The submissions must follow the formatting guidelines for ACL'23. All submissions must be anonymous and conform to ACL standards for double-blind review. The papers may consist of up to 8 pages of technical content plus unlimited additional pages for references following the ACL format.

Submission site

You will submit the paper to the CMT system here (submissions will be enabled soon).


Accepted papers will be presented at the DSTC11 workshop, along with the papers of the winter tracks. To accommodate both summer and winter tracks, the workshop will take place between June and August 2023 (location and time TBD). The workshop is expected to be hybrid, allowing presentations to be either on-site or virtual. Details will be provided after the time and location is determined. 


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